This meme or short video clip is quite often seen on Facebook when males post statuses that are considered to be relatively “sentimental” or “feminine.” In order to call that person out on being “un-masculine”, people comment on their posts with the meme or the video clip to call them gay.
The meme is of a seal or an otter saying the quote, sometimes shown wearing a rainbow scarf around its neck. This “Ha! GAAAAY!” quote has become so popular that it has even become a popular meme of an otter that people use all over the internet. The critically acclaimed NBC American television sitcom “Community” is notorious for this specific scene where Señor Chang disrupts the class by screaming, “Ha! GAAAAAY!.” This happens when one of the main characters, Jeff Winger, is explaining to the class that respect is the “tool most important to humanity’s survival” and not survival skills or manmade tools.